Rubbing shoulders with Tsuchiya-san, Kazama-san and Dai-San

Was at the launch of Amprex Motorsports and Idemitsu Service Center..... Special guest of the show was none other than the DRIFT KING of Japan, Keiichi Tsuchiya and Dai-Inada.........
Managed to get him to signed some authograph on Bernard's D1 T-Shirt and a D1 poster for myself......... and the best thing of all, managed to snapped some pictures with Tsuchiya-san and Dai-san as well as Kazama-san.
Don't know who are they? hahahaha..........
* Dai-Inada:
Daredevil from the hell....... Survival of the famous Gumball 3000 Option Fairlady 350Z crash a few years ago.....

* Kazama-san: Japan D1 Champion of 2004...... A funny and great guy! 
* Keiichi Tsuchiya: Need to elaborate more???
Was a memorable outing........ but was wondering...... no one knows who is Dai-san? only me is going ga-ga on taking photos with him........

* Keiichi Tsuchiya: Need to elaborate more???

Was a memorable outing........ but was wondering...... no one knows who is Dai-san? only me is going ga-ga on taking photos with him........
"Tsuchiya-san, Dai-san, Kazama-san, Arigato gozaimasu. Hajimemashite. Dozo yoroshiku"